The Pulcifier

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Coffee brewer

From: The Pulcifier On Behalf Of Front Desk
Subject: Coffee brewer
Sent: Monday, 26 September, 2005 16:09
To: All
Subject: Coffee brewer

The brewer is back up and running.

The drawback is that it is being filtered through only one filter as opposed to 2.

When our filters were changed late last week a wrong filter was installed as our 2nd filter and it was the type of filter that allows less water in than usual. That is why the coffee thermos filled to half. And I thought we were just going through more coffee than usual!

I will stay on line and be sure to have the 2nd filter installed as soon as possible.
The first thing is to find the correct filter and the service technician said he would stay on it.

BTW: This is not the same person who changed out our filters late last week.

Thank you for your patience.

The Pulcifier.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Water delivery

From: The Pulcifier On Behalf Of Front Desk
Friday, 26 August, 2005 13:47
To: all

Water delivery

Good afternoon everyone.

I want to let you know that our delivery driver's truck was having mechanical problems and there was no back up vehicle because that also had mechanical problems due to the heat along with normal stress on the radiator, hoses and water pump.

Our driver just got his truck back and is trying his best to get to us but is understandably back logged.

He will touch base with me as the afternoon progresses. Please try to be patient and if you need water we also have the dispenser that is next to the latte machine.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The Pulcifier

The latte machine is back up and running.

From: The Pulcifier On Behalf Of Front Desk
Monday, 25 July, 2005 11:30
To: all

The latte machine is back up and running. <EOM>

Friday, March 17, 2006

Our Canon rep is here...

From: The Pulcifier On Behalf Of Front Desk
Thursday, 14 July, 2005 13:07
To: all
Our Canon rep is here to demonstrate the saddle stitch features on our C3220 in the mailroom if you are interested. T.P. <EOM>

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Copier in mailroom

From: The Pulcifier On Behalf Of Front Desk
Thursday, 07 July, 2005 16:58
To: All
Copier in mailroom

Hello everyone.

I want to let you know that next Thursday July 14th, at 1 pm Heather from Canon will be here to demonstrate how to use the saddle stitch device we had installed this week. Basically she will show us how the machine will make booklets and the other features it is capable of.

If you are interested please attend at 1 pm.

Thank you,

The Pulcifier

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Parking slip

From: The Pulcifier On Behalf Of Front Desk
Thursday, 07 July, 2005 12:19
Parking slip

Brandie turned in a parking slip dated for today the 7th at the 3rd & Alder Garage.

It will be at the front desk if anyone needs this.

Thank you,

The Pulcifier

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Canon Demonstration

From: The Pulcifier On Behalf Of Front Desk
Thursday, 02 June, 2005 11:03
Canon Demonstration

The demonstration for the Canon equipment is being held in the mailroom and ready to begin if anyone wants to attend.

Thank you,

The Pulcifier

FW: Canon copier in mailroom

From: The Pulcifier On Behalf Of Front Desk
Wednesday, 01 June, 2005 13:41
FW: Canon copier in mailroom

This will be my last message to you regarding the copy/fax/printers.

I am going to be emailing the representative our questions at 2 PM today in case anyone else has anymore they would like to present.

Thank you,

The Pulcifier

FW: Canon copier in mailroom

From: The Pulcifier On Behalf Of Front Desk
Sent: Wednesday, 01 June, 2005 11:51
Subject: FW: Canon copier in mailroom

Hello everyone.

Just a reminder that tomorrow our Canon Representative will be here to answer any questions we may have on our copier/printer/fax machine.

Please email your questions to me so I can pass them on which will enable the rep to research our questions, will save time and he will be prepared.

Thank you,
The Pulcifier

PS Kathy, Kevin and Kelley, I have your requests already.

Canon copier in mailroom

From: The Pulcifier On Behalf Of Front Desk
Sent: Tuesday, 31 May, 2005 15:42
To: all
Subject: Canon copier in mailroom

Hello everyone.

The Canon Representative will be here Thursday June 2nd at 10:30 am to demonstrate and answer any questions that may have arisen since we all have had a chance to use the machine and have run across problems that I'm sure he can resolve for us faster than what we are trying to solve on our own.

Please submit any questions you may have to me so I can pass them on to him and he will have the appropriate areas covered when he comes to demonstrate the procedures on the machine.

Thank you,
The Pulcifier

Canon demonstration

From: The Pulcifier On Behalf Of Front Desk
Sent: Wednesday, 01 June, 2005 16:43
To: all
Subject: Canon demonstration


The Canon demonstration for the mailroom has been changed from 10:30 am to 11 AM Thursday, 6/2/05.